Brian Bradley is the Vice President of Brand Development and Strategic Programs at Egoscue, Inc.  The Egoscue Method provides safe, effective and permanent relief from chronic pain without prescription painkillers or invasive surgery. Brian has been on a deep, soul-based mission to help millions of people learn how to live healthier, pain-free lives.  As a Posture-Pain-Performance coach, his clients include Tony Robbins, the NFL, the PGA, MLB and NBA among others.  Though these clients are amazing, it’s the normal, in-the-trenches person who really excites Brian.  He loves helping them dig deep into their structure to realize “you’re not broken…you’re just bent, a bit”… and get them to their next level.

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@The Egoscue Method 

@TheBrian Bradley 


Brett Gilliland  

Welcome to The Circuit of Success. I’m your host, Brett Gilliland, and I am with the Brian Bradley. Brian Bradley. What’s up, buddy? 

Brian Bradley 

Buddy? How are you? I love that “the” Brian Bradley, you know, there’s two ways that I want to spell my name and some people misspell it, they put the A before the “I”. And I send it back. I just send back a thank you there like for what? And I’m like, I’ve always wanted my name spelled that way. But you’ll learn by the end of this podcast that it really doesn’t pertain to who I am. But “the” Brian Bradley is, yeah, that’s my Instagram, Facebook, all that stuff. Because I’m not that narcissistic. I’m not that narcissistic. I am on social media, which means I am partially narcissistic. But it’s because the Tampa Bay Lightning hockey player he owned Brian Bradley, he wouldn’t sell it to me. So I had to go with the “the”. 

Brett Gilliland

“The.” So you see Ohio State? I think they just put a little deal on that word. “The” Ohio State University. 

Brian Bradley  Yeah, they trademarked it to the Ohio State University. The question is, can “The” University of Miami use it? Can you know––

Brett Gilliland   “The” Eastern Illinois University where I went?

Brian Bradley  

Or mine You know, I won’t even mention where mine was. 

Brett Gilliland  

That’s funny. Well, hey, man, it was I was on a trip recently. And in Tahoe and my buddy Chad Coates started talking about this, the Egoscue method. And I was like, man, I’ve never heard of this. And he literally, we talked about it for like the next 10 or 15 minutes on a way to go hiking in Tahoe in the mountains. And it was amazing. I went to your website, he was talking about it. He also hired a therapist that works in your Del Mar office, which is in San Diego, for those not in the area. Taylor O’Rourke worked with her. And here’s a guy man that is just raving about this. And I sent you a message last week. And now here we are, and you’re fired up to talk about the Egoscue method. So before we dive into all that, maybe just give us a little bit of lay of the land, and what’s made you the man you are today and what’s gotten you to where you’re at.

Brian Bradley  

Well, behind me on my TV, you’ll see these little white cards, one right there. And one over there. Yep, those are the funeral cards from my parents. So they both died the year before COVID. Thank God, because they didn’t have to deal with COVID. My dad had dementia–– remind me to tell you the story about him in physical therapy in the leg, you know, progressive leg pressure pads, and I’ll tell you about that. But you know, to be honest, it’s it’s, uh, your past can a lot of times dictate who you are. Now, that can either work for you or that can work, you know, against you. So, you know, the great Tony Robbins would always use that. And I’m sure he pulled it from somebody like Jim Rohn or somebody where he says, Is your life working for you, or is your life working against you. And you know, my life works absolutely for me. You’re looking at the most selfish human on the planet, I do not invite drama and drama tries to get in. And that even goes for people in chronic pain, the drama of having an injury.  I was blessed enough 30 years ago, 30 plus this year, to run into a gentleman named Pete Egoscue, who fixed himself coming out of the Vietnam War. He realized that the human body had the capability, you know, your god or your universe provides things for you. And his was in the jungles of Vietnam. You know, we had a command in front of them and they were walking by him and somebody puts their fists up. He dropped to the ground, they dropped to the ground, he walks in front and goes “What do you see?” And ahead of them was a young lady who was unrattling herself from all the stuff she had on, put down her basket of whatever, let’s call it rice, vegetables, whatever. Standing there, squatted down and gave birth. She wrapped the baby up umbilical cord still intact, picked up the product and walked back to her village. And at that point, he said he didn’t realize it at the time, but he remembered it. That’s how resilient the human body really is. It can basically do anything at once. You’ll see all the people like following a Wim Hof or looking at my Instagram doing the cold water immersion. 

Brett Gilliland  


Brian Bradley  

It’s not easy, but it’s all psychological. So you can overcome, so when we used to John Lynch, Demetrius DuBose, Tony best Sally Trent Dilfer, anybody in the NFL back in the day we’d have the summer camps and I’d always hear Pete, of course, the Navy Seal and the in the Marine Corps running through his head. “Your mind will quit far before your body ever will.” And when you keep hearing that mantra, “your mind will quit far before your body ever will.” So don’t give into the mind. “Don’t give into the monkey mind.” You’ve heard people say that kind of stuff. Get out of your head and into your heart. Trust your instinct. Your instinct isn’t to… on that pue, that we have behind our clinic isn’t to ring the bell. Your your instinct is to “man I really wish I could go on another one.” And instead of saying “but I can’t.” We might want to ask a better question. “What would your life be like if you did?” So I have chronic pain people all the time, who we try to talk to, we don’t try because Yoda doesn’t like try. So we talk to them. Just do it and get them to understand that their body is enough. The injury is there for them, it’s not to them. So for example, my son plays Division One soccer, his whole life, he’s been training for this his whole life, he wants to go pro. Okay, great. I’ll support it any way I can. How I supported it, when he was younger, I took him to the playground three to five days a week, two hours at a time and made him made him stay for two to three hours at a time while I worked on the bench, you know, doing this or doing talking or phone calls or whatever. Getting him to realize that 360 degree movement, at that age developed into a six foot two left foot in 4.4 seconds zero to, you know, 40 yard dash, I’m gonna set zero to 60, 40 yard dash athlete, that if I had him on a US football team, he’d be very strong in the middle going across the middle catching balls. But I cared for his brain too much. So I put him into soccer, which he loved. And I love the you know, diversity of the sport, from every race known to man or woman to coaches who have no freaking clue how to talk to a teenage boy. So they have to come over that emotional adversity. I’m coaching them through it, I’m actually writing a book called “Moron” and it’s gonna have coach underneath it. It’s not true. But I think it’s a great name of a book if you want to write one with me. Because these guys, a lot of times, they don’t take into account what for example, that that soccer player at Stanford who took her own life, the stress that she was under at the D1 level, not blaming the coach only. I am partially because people don’t listen real well. They don’t see the signs they’re not trained in doing this, they want the best out of that commodity that they’re paying for, which is the college athlete. So for us, the college athlete, the high school athlete, the, the adolescent athlete, the grandfather, all of them could be in a sport like CrossFit working out together. Pickleball is every age and it’s the number one growing sport in the US right now. Number one in injury, surpassing CrossFit now, because everybody loves it, they love the community of it. I love both of them because of the community. But when you take a body that’s misaligned, like this, this picture over my left shoulder, when you miss when you misaligned that body, that’s the perfect blueprint. And you take it to the sport, I don’t care what it is picking up your baby off the couch, getting up off the toilet, walking upstairs, soccer, rugby, I don’t care what it is, your body has a blueprint for how it should move. And the bad part is that the body finds another way to move to still get you from point A to point B because it’s very, very smartly designed. But it’s so inefficient or noxious that it leads into chronic symptoms, or something more devastating. And people out there with sciatic pain, femoral nerve pain, thoracic outlet, TMJ symptoms, chronic migraines, they know what we’re talking about. 

Brett Gilliland 

Yeah, absolutely. And so let’s let’s dive right into this stuff. And we’ll talk more about the Egoscue method and exactly what it is. But you see me grab my shoulder here, my left shoulder, so I’ve been in pain for a week with it, right? And so what is it that you do and I know it’s around exercising and different kinds of––not like going out and lifting weights and all that stuff, but kind of walk us through, you know, and I can be your guinea pig or pick any kind of story you want. Walk us through what you’re doing, how you’re serving the people and how you’re making a difference in their life. 

Brian Bradley  

Okay, so all of this ties back to a gospel because I do a bazillion things from a biohacking standpoint. But it’s only because I speak at so many different biohackings from you know, the podcast idea with Dave Asprey to all the way to biohacking Congress, whatever. But at the center of all that is Egoscue. So I can reach out to this thing over my shoulder here, the bio charger PEMF pulsed electromagnetic field, my cold plunge in the garage, which I’ll show you a little bit on here. The, not the infrared sauna, but the regular 180 degree sauna that I put in. But those are all bio hacks. But without the Egoscue portion at the middle as the basis of the foundation, it’s like building a house with nothing drilled into the ground. Eventually the wind and rain are gonna blow that thing down. So look at this guy. 56 year old guy. What are you tell me what you see there? He’s an Ironman triathlete out of Kona, what do you see?

Brett Gilliland  

I see some shapes on his shoulder like they’re going straight down and his head is bending forward and it looks like maybe his back is arched a little bit, basically.

Brian Bradley  

Well, I actually I want you to look really close there. He looks like he overdosed on a drug called no Asset Hall. Yep, get it because he has No Ass. At All. Sorry, I just slowed that joke down. But here he is. 12 minutes later.

Brett Gilliland 


Brian Bradley  

How did that happen? Because he did the work. His sideview picture you’re saying 12 minutes, not 12 months, 12 minutes, which is why I don’t mark it that picture because it’s it’s it’s unsellable. People are like, but thank God he had a tattoo. Because I can at least say that’s the same guy. 

Brett Gilliland 


Brian Bradley  

Or for your female customer coming in and talking about this. Where are you… Here? She came in with chronic symptoms. Check out the one in the gray pants versus the one in the black. Tell me what the difference is.

Brett Gilliland 

Postures huge, the leaning over the midsection, I mean, there’s all sorts of stuff in that picture.

Brian Bradley

 Spoken like a true male who did not go to look how much thinner and in shape she looks? 

Brett Gilliland

Well, I was trying to come up with a word for that. But yeah, you’re absolutely right. 

Brian Bradley  

You don’t want to get a hashtag. So leave it to me. She couldn’t believe it. But all it really was was opening up the floodgates, meaning if somebody was sitting in front of me, and she’d say, “I’m fat,” and I’d go like this, “I agree.” And her eyes open up like this, like “What? I didn’t ask you to agree.” I said, “Oh, no, there’s a difference. You and I spell fat differently. You spell it FAT I spell it PHA T because PHAT is part of the lymphatic word. You are lymph system blocked.” And when her body moved back to the right skeletal performance level. Posture is everything without having to think about it getting the body to change on it and create its resilience in its own way. Organically versus you going, “Oh, stand up straight.” That’s not what I’m asking for. I’m asking you to do the exercise. That’ll do it for you. The lymph system will respond and that was her going. “Uh my back feels amazing. But look at how much better I look.” Which is really what people have to look at in the mirror every day. I’m in my mid 50s. What are you in your late 30s? 

Brett Gilliland 

I love you, 44. 

Brian Bradley 

Okay, I’m not stupid. But you look in the mirror, we all looked in the mirror this morning and said, “well, parts aren’t where they used to be,” you know, that kind of stuff? Yeah. Well kill that self judgment and say what could I do on a daily basis, a small two millimeter shift, a minimal dose of Egoscue that moves me back just like that 58 year old Ironman triathlete who was looking for his, he wanted to get another PR before he quit doing Iron Man’s. There’s no way he was going to get it with kyphosis and rounding of his upper back and head forward. Not a chance because he was running, biking, swimming. Let’s call it biking, swimming, swimming, biking, running, with a shoulder that was driving everything. So you mentioned your left shoulder. What did I just tell you? What did the story about? What did I tell you about your left shoulder?

Brett Gilliland  

I’m leading with that? 

Brian Bradley  

Correct? We didn’t mention anything about your shoulder. But we just taught you that maybe your left shoulder is trying to make up for something at your pelvis. They may not be balanced. So do me a favor, stand up and take your shoes off. 

Brett Gilliland 


Brian Bradley  

You do have pants on right? Like, folks, he has pants on? We’re good. We’re in the Zoom world. Okay, but close your eyes and just stand there for a second and anybody listening to this as long as you’re not driving, actually, even if you’re driving: Are you sitting balanced? Left cheek versus right cheek? Where are you sitting? So with your eyes closed? Right? Where are you located? Left to right front to back? Are you evenly standing? Or is one foot carrying more weight than the other? And is in it? Is the weight in one foot in a different place than the other? 

Brett Gilliland 

Yeah, I feel like, I feel like I’m leaning more left. But I feel like there’s more weight on my right. 

Brian Bradley 

Okay, so maybe your torso is slightly rotated or leaning one direction but your hips–

Brett Gilliland  

I feel like my left side is out more than my right side. 

Brian Bradley  

Correct. So this this is why you know more about your body than anybody else because you live in it every day asking that question that question right there is a subjective waiting for the subjects response. But it’s given me so much information, because maybe your left shoulder is reacting to the overload of the right foot. Where is it in each foot more weight in the heel is one in the heel the others in the ball of the foot? Where’s that?

Brett Gilliland

It feels the right one is in the back of the foot and the left one feels like it’s in the front of the foot. 

Brian Bradley  1

So imagine you lining up for a putt and you’re loaded right heel left ball of the foot. You may be pushing all your putts to the right and I don’t even know how I don’t even know if you play golf. 

Brett Gilliland  

You’re damn right. I do and I’ve got a big golf match on Saturday and I pushed all my putts right. 

Brian Bradley  

So what could you do without I’m gonna give you some exercises of course for everybody but what can you change right now in golf, if you know your weights in the heel of your right foot and the ball of your left foot, I would say to you put your big toe into the ground on the right foot. 

Brett Gilliland


Brian Bradley  

That instantly changes the weight from the heel to the ball the foot. 

Brett Gilliland  


Brian Bradley

And now you can close over the ball a little further instead of pushing it to the right.

Brett Gilliland

That’s a big help. 

Brian Bradley  

I only asked for 10% of the gross. 

Brett Gilliland 

Okay, well, as an amateur, it will be a lot. 

Brian Bradley 

Exactly. I don’t want the tax implications anyway. 

Brett Gilliland 

Okay, okay we’ll get through that. 

Brian Bradley 

So whether you play golf or whether you play rugby, or whether you’re doing CrossFit or whether you’re doing Jazzercise, pickleball, ping pong, I don’t care what it is, we give you the most efficient way to function by you understanding through the education that we offer, so that somebody can say, “Wait a second, Brian just said my chronic shoulder pain is here serving me versus working against me. God, I need a massage.” No, when I get a massage it’s because I want a massage. Not need a massage. There’s a massive difference between the two.  Absolutely right.So how do we fix that? Right so I mean, everything you just did in the one and a half minutes it took you to diagnose why missing my putts? Right? Because this just comes out of nowhere. So being in Tahoe last week, I Goffs I was I was hiking. I don’t know why. But all of a sudden, I just started having this pretty, you know, immense pain from here into my lower upper back into my bicep. You know, obviously, maybe I pulled a muscle I have no idea but––  or it’s nerve pain coming from your neck. Yeah. So maybe it doesn’t bother me which one it is I not asleep. For the listeners. I’m gonna say a bad word hear. I really don’t give a poop. Yeah, yeah. Right. Because I learned from Pete Egoscue 30 some years ago that the symptom is an opportunity, my son with a broken foot. He’s four months out now we’re doing all kinds of crazy stuff. He’s getting back into training twice this weekend. You’ve never seen a human male cry as hard as he did during the game when he broke it because he was having the game of his life. D1 starting position, blah, blah, blah, blah, I’m finally there. Boom, he takes a step pushes off and he hears crack. And he goes, “Wow, I just broke my spike.”

And he took one more step. And he goes, “that’s not my soul plate that I broke.” In his mind. It was his soul that he broke, because he worked so hard to get where he was. So he’s looking at me. And he’s like, why are you smiling? This was later of course, when I knew it was okay to do it without getting punched by your 20 year old.

I said, “I’m so happy you broke your foot.” He’s like “what do you mean?”

Brian Bradley 

I said, “There are points in life where you need to learn the hard way. And this is that moment right now, this will set you up for the next seven to 10 years when you’re playing D1 at at a further level, and then eventually playing at a pro level. So if that’s what you decide to do, I couldn’t care if he was a clarinet player. He’s gonna be the most functional clarinet player on the market. So that’s the unfortunate thing about having me as a father. But the reason I was happy about it is that I went to: what an opportunity to get functional. So I found a physical therapist who I knew worked from a whole body functional level, because he’s not going to listen to me because I’m a moron, I’m his dad, right?. Even though we have the top, top, top, top top players around the world coming to see us. I think he may only start listening to me when I actually get Ronaldo to work with us which which is coming soon. It’s coming soon.

Brett Gilliland  


Brian Bradley  

But from the standpoint of changing your mind, now it’s–– I took him to another guy, a chiropractor in Arizona named Sean Drake, over at Athlete Chiropractic, unbelievable stuff that he uses with pulse with the shockwave treatments with DC current with manipulation with dry needling. It’s all different than what I do remember that circle in the middle is Egoscue. And then outside of that is dry needling, this, this, this, this, this, this this. So what I do is you do this in the center, and then I’ll give you the best treatment somewhere outside PMF, cold water therapy, sauna, all that stuff. But it’s what you can do at home. So that’s what I wanted these guys to really reinforce. And they helped switch his psychology to “oh, I’ll be ready.” Here was here were his words. “I’m feeling dangerous.” And I’m like, Oh my God, thank you. Because that’s where we needed to go from. I’m broken. 

Brett Gilliland  

Bottom to the top. 

Brian Bradley 

Let’s go and sometimes you need some mentors around you different than the people you live with. You know, so I may bring him to you Brett to go okay, look, here’s what Brett does. Let’s say my son’s like, “Yeah, I’d like to have a very successful podcast.” You know what, I’m gonna have you intern with Brett for a week just to see what he does or listen to it or go see what he does. Give him some people who are the experts at this kind of stuff. And I just happen to be the second best in the world at what we do. Because Peter Egoscue is the best. So when you look at this kind of stuff, I don’t say that to be braggadocious. I don’t even know if that’s a word. My dad taught English, I’m in trouble. I look at it and say, It’s with such certainty that when I looked at you and said, his left shoulder is serving him, He looks like he played golf. I had no idea. If you do blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, and you’re going, now I understand why I push my putts to the right and to your listeners, we had no discussion prior to.

Brett Gilliland 


Brian Bradley

It was a guesstimate on my end, based on what I know golfers act like and look like here’s the tough part. You actually hiked that entire week or weekend in Tahoe, and your left shoulder and neck drove the hike. Yes. Rather than your ankle dorsi and plantar flexion, inversion eversion. These are just terms for what your ankle does and your foot does. Well, then your knee has to bend and extend, okay, then your hip has to flex and extend. But your hips not flexing and extending so your shoulder takes over and does that.

Brett Gilliland  

That’s exactly, what you just did there like leaning, like that’s what it feels like. Like when I lean forward like that and put some stress on it. And it actually feels better than when I’m just sitting here calmly with good posture. It actually hurts down my arm right here. 

Brian Bradley

Well, because you’re sitting on, you’re not rooted at the chair, your hips are so far out of position. So do me a favor, just relax and feel that shoulder again while you’re sitting there. Feel it?

Brett Gilliland 


Brian Bradley

Don’t move your shoulders. But roll your pelvis. So you get taller, you’re an anterior tilt. So you’re off your tailbone and you’re onto those sit bones underneath your hips. Now instantly what changed about your shoulder? 

Brett Gilliland 

Less pressure. 

Brian Bradley  

This isn’t rocket science. 

Brett Gilliland 


Brian Bradley  

I mean, I was just dumb enough. Now I’ll take it a step further. Peter Egoscue was just dumb enough with a political science degree Marine Corps major combat veteran to go. You know what, it’s not up to the doctors to do this. It’s up to me to help them and figure it out. And I luckily ran into him coming out of university, heading back to school for another degree because I wasn’t enough. Until I found out what the true secret was. Here’s McGregor, that’s in the Khabib fight in the blue and the black shorts. How’s he supposed to breathe when he’s stuck like that? 

Brett Gilliland  

You can’t. 

Brian Bradley  

So I got him 12 days before the green fight, which is cowboy. That’s the posture change. And he won in 44 seconds. Very smart athlete. Very smart. He basically said, “I totally understand what you’re saying. My hip drives my foot, my foot drives back up and boom, here comes the punch.” Whereas before that I said, “Where’s the power come from?” And he’s like, “it comes from my arm mate, you don’t want to get hit,” you know I’m doing a horrible Irish accent. But I’m like,” No, this is the delivery of the tip of the whip. What’s snapping the whip at the base?” And nothing was snapping the whip at the base. But Khabib snapped the whip at the base. Because it was like the Rocky 4 movie. He trained in the snow and the trees and Russell bears. Connor trained on a bike. 

Brett Gilliland  

My silence of just just trying to understand it all. Let it all process so so what do you do? Like how do you help Conor McGregor in that deal? I mean, the picture was dramatic for those that can’t see it. Go to YouTube, check it out. So what are you working on? Or what can we be working on? What can I be working on for the shoulder? Pick your pick your deal? What are we doing at home? 

Brian Bradley  

So why don’t we get you up and run you through a couple of exercises. 

Brett Gilliland  

Let’s do it. 

Brian Bradley  

And you can be the model like you’d be the Vanna White. I’ll be the other guy, Jack, Jack, whatever it is. Okay, and shout out to Vanna White. It’s amazing. Okay, so back up a little bit. Find what you call a comfortable stance. Let’s take everybody get home, get on YouTube, go to his page. Check this out. Trust me when I tell you it’s well worth it to run through these couple exercises. It’s an absolute game changer. So shoes are off. If you want you can stand in front of a mirror and look in the mirror and see if your shoulders are level. See if your feet are straight. Look at this picture over my left shoulder. That’s how it should look. So Brett, with your eyes closed, we knew your weight was in your heel heavier on the right ball of the foot on the left but it feels like your torsos twisted or cricket or something. 

Brett Gilliland


Brian Bradley 

Okay. So turn your feet perfectly straight. And then take them five degrees. Pigeon toe like literally five degrees in and get them that’s probably too much. I can already tell by your knees. You may have gone too much. Put your fist between your big toes. That’s how wide your feet should be apart. So I brought you closer because we’re going to strengthen you with your feet this wide. So when you get into the golf stance, bro, you’re going to kill the ball because you if you’re strong here, you’re massively strong out here. So now, take your hands and put them in this position. So here’s a fist, open it up so your fingernails and palms could touch your thumbs are like in a hitchhike position. Put that against your temples like this. Shoulders down away from your ears, and close your elbows together. Now your dress shirt might be tough on this. You’re almost like Tommy Boy, “fat guy in a little coat.” Okay, here we go. Close them together. Come on, touch those elbows and open them all the way back. Yeah, there’s a good one, give me about 15 of those keep going. For those of you that are just watching or you want to hear why. Or you’re looking at the screen, there’s a muscle right here, called the psoas muscle, this long red piece, I’ll show you another one. This long black piece right here. That muscle attaches to the inside of the leg into the spine. And we call it the circuit breaker. We’re now turning on the circuit breaker but the work is at the shoulders. That’s why we have your feet five degrees turned in. So this is exactly what Taylor would have done with your buddy to watch him do some therapy at his house, which is cool, because you don’t have to have a clinic there. How many is that? 

Brett Gilliland 

I have no idea. 

Brian Bradley 

Yeah, that’s probably 15. That’s all right. We can start over if you lose count again. Just from now put your hands in that same position. Shoulders down, hands are stiff. Now pull your shoulder blades together. But watch me first. You’re going to slide your shoulder blades back and down. You’re not going to lift your ribcage and lean back. So just hold it there tension between your shoulder blades. Bring your arms straight out like this. Check your foot position if you moved.

Brett Gilliland  

So like you got a cramp right there, that’s alright.

Brian Bradley  

Hey, welcome to almost 50 brother. Okay, so now shoulders down and back. And now circle your arms forward, up and forward 40 times. Don’t let them come into your periphery. Like look at me. Don’t let your eyes see your hands. So get those hands back. 

Brett Gilliland  

Okay, yeah, big difference.

Brian Bradley  

Do not lose count, you’re on about 10. Just these two exercises can be done on hole number six, hole number 12, and hole number 17. And your golf game I promise you is different on Saturday. Okay, now, shoulders down. Same position, bring your arms up, those hands are in that stiff position. Shoulders pinned together, down and back. And now go palms up. Thumbs back, keep that hand locked out. And now circle up and back 40 times. And you can see on the video that he’s circling around, like a dessert plate. Maybe like a beautiful, perfectly done strawberry shortcake or peach cobbler. Oh, God. He’s so good. It is summer, it is summer. All the while your feet are straight Brett you notice we haven’t changed your foot position. Because the perturbance upstairs is now going to change the route you’re sitting on. So now turn your feet back to where you want them. Close your eyes. What’s changed about your body weight left to right front to back. 

Brett Gilliland  

My body weight is more on the right front of my foot and my left foot feels very balanced. 

Brian Bradley  

So have a seat in the chair that’s built by the lowest bidder. Come over to the microphone. Now just sit there for a second. Get comfortable. Don’t try to sit up straight just relax. And what’s the difference to your shoulder?

Brett Gilliland  

Crazy different like I can feel I don’t feel the pain that I felt earlier. It’s been there for a week. 

Brian Bradley  

Correct. Go after the cause versus the symptom. So do I give a poop about your pain? Yes, because it’s part of your history. It’s part of your story. But it’s time to write a new chapter Brett.

Brett Gilliland 

I mean I feel stronger too, like the upper body feels stronger after doing that. 

Brian Bradley  

You’re actually better looking. I know your listeners can’t believe it. They didn’t think it was possible, but it actually happened. So think about it from the standpoint of that’s why I have stupid humor because all it is is an opportunity for me to talk if you hurt. You hurt. Let’s have a talk. 

Brett Gilliland 

So what did we do there that like, to make that? This almost sounds like it’s bullshit just to be quite frankly, right that I’ve had this pain for a week. And now I’ve been complaining, my wife’s probably tired of hearing about it. I literally said to a guy Jason down the hall a little bit ago, man, I need to find a massage like by tomorrow, so I can be ready. Our Club Championship is Saturday, you said those words, it feels like, you know, like this is almost made up that we’re doing this and we’re not. And it’s just crazy to me that I literally have no pain in my shoulder. So what did we just do right there that made that go away? That quickly? 

Brian Bradley  

Well, how long do you think it’s gonna last?

Brett Gilliland 

It’s a great question. I actually thought about that, probably an hour to two hours. 

Brian Bradley  

So did it work or didn’t it, it worked. Which means then you might have to do them again, right? Until your body gets strong enough to reposition you back to this blueprint as close as possible. So then, so this is the pain free book. This is the second version, the first versions back here, sold about 4 million copies, number one on Amazon, all that stuff. This pain free book is an absolute game changer as it relates to understanding what’s wrong and what the philosophy is. Your body is so perfectly designed that yes, we’re going to have injuries. I just drove to Arizona to get my son some treatment over there by my friend. Six hours in the car and I drive a nice car.

Brett Gilliland  


Brian Bradley  

But my ass hurt. I got about an hour from home, I got a shooter into my right hamstring and my right glute and I’m like, “You have got to be kidding me.” I’m gonna make this oh my god, my son’s like, “what are you doing?” 

Brett Gilliland  

“I do this for a living and I gotta deal with this crap?”

Brian Bradley  

 Correct. Like, so I laugh about it. I’m like, Okay, it’s almost like you’re, it’s time to listen to your body at that point, because I went a couple days without doing much. Played some pickleball did some other stupid things. Got home, did my stuff. Got in my exercises, did my other stuff that I biohack with. Come on. I’m 110% the next day. 

Brett Gilliland 

So what about if I told you it was my right knee or my right arm and not my left shoulder? Would we have done the same stuff?

Brian Bradley 

If your right knee was hurting, we may have done some sitting stuff. Like if it was really bad, like OA and you were heading in for surgery in two months, I would say my goal is to cancel your surgery. But my other goal is to prep you for surgery train you for the sport of surgery. So you can let your doctor do his or her job without doing them without dealing with all the BS of your body being so mucked up. Let’s get it to as close as possible. And then let those great practitioners do their jobs.

Brett Gilliland  

Yeah, it’s literally it’s mind blowing. I mean, I did three basic exercises right the this deal the forward and the backward and it’s it’s literally gone. My mind is blown. Podcast over, mic drop, whatever you want to call it.

Brian Bradley

Well, now we got to relate this to remember you have listeners out there that are saying the same thing you are. Yeah, I know. It worked for Brett. But I’m special. 

Brett Gilliland  

Yeah, yeah. That’s what they’ll say. 

Brian Bradley  

I’m not judging that that’s everybody has their own identity to their pain. My answer is this. Bring it on. Let’s just see if it’s something simple. Listen, I had a good friend of mine whose dad died of asbestos caused lung cancer. 

Brett Gilliland  


Brian Bradley 

He’s a Philly Alma, or whatever that is. Yep. I know, just enough to be dangerous about that. But we were golfing. And He’s coughing. And I’m like “Sidney, listen. That doesn’t sound right. You either have pneumonia or something else.” And they went in and they found a tumor tumor tumor tumor tumor. I get it. Make sure it’s not something super serious. 

Brett Gilliland  

Yeah, right. 

Brian Bradley  

But in Arnold Schwarzenegger talk, if it’s not a tumor, then let’s just think it might be something simple. Maybe it’s the misalignment maybe it’s the broken fibula that I had on my left leg when somebody slipped into me in ninth grade baseball, which led me to squatting and getting a hernia on my left inguinal canal, which led me to my mountain biking downhill, which is my ACL reconstruction, which led me to my labral tear, which led me to my dislocated shoulder. Like all of the shit that I did. 

Brett Gilliland  


Brian Bradley  

But I’m not kidding. I’m 10 years older than you. And I promise you I’m 10 times the athlete. 

Brett Gilliland 


Brian Bradley 

But not because I’m bigger, faster, stronger. I promise you I’m the fatter out of the two of us. Right? I love Italian food. Unbelievable. Like Stromboli is amazing. But I will tell you, I actually put okay so here’s here’s a link that I put on my Instagram. I put this post up so that I saw that you Okay, so it’s pointing to the deltoid at the bottom. The pec minor, not the pec minor, but the pec clavicle head at the middle. And then the big trap muscle. Why did I post that? Because I’m lifting a 40 pound. I’m lifting a 40 pound iceberg that my cold plunge made. And my bicep is doing the lifting. But if your shoulder is in the right place, here comes his friends to help them out. So that’s why I said, you’ll never work alone. And then I said, You’ll never walk alone, because that’s Liverpool, soccer, so you can see why I tag them on there. So I didn’t want them to think I was trying to steal their trademark. So the shoulder never works alone, unless the shoulder is allowed to sit forward, then the big deltoid goes, I’m going to sleep, the traps gonna take over. And then the supraspinatus does all the lifting, and boom, there goes your rotator cuff. Meanwhile, it was the it was the macro growth position of your shoulder.

Brett Gilliland  

So when we’re sitting here, now whether I’m sitting in a chair, I’m sitting in the car, I need to probably have my shoulders rolled back more? Is that I mean, cuz I can’t tell exactly how you’re setting or do you worry about that when we’re sitting there? 

Brian Bradley  

Literally, I’m sitting like this. 

Brett Gilliland 

Okay. You’re kind of hunched forward a little bit. 

Brian Bradley 

Yeah, look at the video guys. I’m sitting like the way my mom would come up and smack me in the back of the head. 

Brett Gilliland  

Yeah, posture up. 

Brian Bradley 

She’s not a violent person. She was Italian. It’s just how they speak to you. Okay, but thinking about it. No, I don’t want to go see, I went and watched Top Gun Maverick for the second time, which by the way, if you didn’t watch it for a second time.

Brett Gilliland  

I haven’t seen it. I want to see it badly. 

Brian Bradley

It’s so better. It’s better the second time. We sat in the movie theater, and I reclined my leg, put the other one up there. You can’t sit in the movie and watch something like Braveheart 4 hours long, and think “Brian said shoulder blades together?” 

Brett Gilliland


Brian Bradley

Let’s train for the sport of movie watching. Let’s train for the sport of sitting, let’s train for the sport of sleeping. Imagine how many people can’t sleep because their body never lets go. I can’t stress this enough. And I know that if you don’t have a migraine, listening to my voice by now, it will happen if you rewind it long enough. But it’s I can’t, I can’t talk enough about this. And it’s been 30 years with this message. And I’m not tired. Like this is so much fun. When you said to me, “Hey, my friend sent me over. Do you wanna do my podcast?” “I’m like, “yep,” didn’t even read the rest. Right? Then I read it afterward, because respectfully, after you took the time to write it out. But I’m going Yeah, because during COVID, I said yes to everything. 

Brett Gilliland 


Brian Bradley

I’m like, let’s do it. Let’s get this. This is a perfect time for people to sit around doing nothing. And we’re gonna give them some content to think about.

Brett Gilliland 

So how many times a day do I do that, I mean? So as soon as you feel the pain, and so basically, as I strengthen whatever I’m strengthening, and then the pain starts to go away, I’m assuming like anything, when it works, you kind of die off a little bit, but try to get that habit of doing those three exercises. 

Brian Bradley  

Are you in your office or your house? My office? Do you have anybody around? Who wouldn’t mind coming in and doing something not exercise wise, but I need an assistant to come in and smack you around a little bit? 

Brett Gilliland  

Sure. Hang on. Let me see. 

Brian Bradley

All right, folks, you’re gonna want to stay around and see this. This is gonna be awesome. Let’s hopefully, hopefully he finds a petite female to walk in because I’m going to have him she’ll be like, “I don’t want to hit him too hard.” But watch what happens. Because once we can get him down to a hip driven athlete right now, so shoulder driven. It’ll be a massive difference depending on who gets to smack him around.  I prefer female. Yes, female! Come on.

Brett Gilliland 

I’ve had shoulder pain for a week and escaped. Fix it in about five minutes. Three minutes. 

Brian Bradley  

What’s your name? Ma’am? 



Brian Bradley 

Robin. Do you mind switching to the other side of him? 

Robin  Okay, over here? 

Brian Bradley  

Yeah. So Brett, what I want you to do so you’re gonna turn and face his shoulder––


This way? 

Brian Bradley  

Yep. Right. What you’re gonna do is kind of just sit like I was sit relaxed. Okay. And don’t fight this because she’s not going to smack you. I was kidding. But Robin, what you’re going to do as Rhonda Robin, Robin. Robin, you’re going to take your hand on his shoulder and just push him. And notice how easy it is for you to push him that way. Don’t be afraid he doesn’t feel pain.

Brett Gilliland

Hey we’ve worked together for a long time Brian. So this this could turn bad. 

Brian Bradley 

Yes. She’s like this, “remember last Christmas?” Okay, so now get your feet pointed straight ahead. Okay, roll your pelvis forward to put the arch in your back. And I mean, really crank up, so Robin, you know, look at me, look at me. Look at me. I didn’t say pull your shoulders and do this. Remember, let your shoulders relax. Roll your pelvis off the tailbone and hold that. Bring your knees in a little bit so they’re not flaring out. And now take your shoulders and drop them and pull them back hard. Hold. Hold that and hold your pelvis where it is. That’s all you’re gonna do. You’re not going to brace in any other way. You ready Robin? I want you to like 5x the hit, you’re not going to hurt him.

Brett Gilliland

Chairs on wheels, chairs on wheels,

Brian Bradley 

That’s fine, what is the difference right away Robin that you felt? 


There’s resistance. I mean, that resistance but I can’t––

Brian Bradley  

He’s heavier, you can’t push him over. 



Brian Bradley  

So imagine being the NFL athlete who can train their body this way so that when they get smacked, their head doesn’t do this whiplash and create CTE long term. This, I need everybody to hear me out. I promise you, we can stop CTE tomorrow. That’s a huge statement. Because the people think that the brain is swelling. When I truly believe that the fluid that’s being pumped around the brain is not able to drain because the spine is so compromised, that that cerebral spinal fluid goes up. It’s like having hair in a clogged bathtub, and you keep filling it up with water and expecting no drainage to happen. It’s going to overflow and ruin the house. So what they’re doing is, they’re, it’s pumping up and it can’t leave so it’s pressurizing the brain downward. So what you just did is you just anecdotally proved that she smacked you perturbed you in the upstairs, while the downstairs was stable and routed to the chair. That stopped you from whipping the head like this. Because there was so stable at the base, your whole spine went together. This is why someone like John Lynch doesn’t have CTE symptoms. Number 10 hitter in the NFL of all time. 

Brett Gilliland

Because he practices this same method?

Brian Bradley  

Oh, since high school, we’ve been working with him. Yeah. Yeah. And what he’s doing at the 49ers he’s going to change the NFL, I promise you that. 

Brett Gilliland  

That’s amazing. So if you got a buddy, that’s an NFL former NFL player right now that maybe has some problems, what exercise you’re doing for that guy?

Brian Bradley  

 You’re getting him over to see me. 

Brett Gilliland


Brian Bradley

Yeah I got to see him I can’t say well, you’re gonna do this, like we got to see where their postural dysfunction is. And if they need someone to talk to you like, look, they if they know Justin talk, talk to him if they know John Lynch or you know, Tony Boselli, Dilfer, Steve Stenstrom. I mean, there’s a bazillion of them, Gilbert, all these guys who don’t have these major problems, because they spent so much time doing things like this. So check this out.

Brett Gilliland 

Is Robin done?

Brian Bradley  

Robin, thank you so much. 

Brett Gilliland  

Thanks, Robin.

Brian Bradley 

20 million 30 million 100 million dollar athletes doing this. Come to Daddy, where are you? Okay. I won’t tell you where this is. But I’ll let you. So that’s outside of the stadium. So look what they’re doing. They’re playing like they’re playing like kids. See those two guys walking up there? 

Brett Gilliland  

Yep. Doing bear crawls. 

Brian Bradley 

This is the gross playground stuff that I did with my kid growing up. And now we have the adult version called the patch. And we’re getting ready, I can feel the tipping point coming. This should be in 32 franchises around the NFL.

Brett Gilliland  

Because you’re just working on again, posture core, I mean, all that stuff to make that thing be right.

Brian Bradley 

This does not translate to the field. If the body is out of this position, this translates directly to the field when John Allred John Lynch and those guys got themselves back in this position, and then benchpress and then went to the field, the weight training worked for them. 

Brett Gilliland

When you look at John Lynch now he’s still a stud, right? I mean, the guy looks like he could still sit up and play today. 

Brian Bradley

I’m not kidding when I tell you you should see the workouts he does. It’s it’s stupid. And the reason being is because he looks at Peter Egoscue and goes “that guy’s 76? You got to be kidding me. Look what he’s doing. Brian Bradley’s 54, I want to be like that.” Now, he doesn’t want to be like my personality, because there’s only one of those. But as it relates to physiologically the stuff that you’re able to do, you should be able to get bigger, faster, stronger. With minimal effort. 

Brett Gilliland 

Yeah. Yeah. So again, I’m gonna keep asking this question for those watching listening myself, well, I mean, those three exercises, and maybe that’s just tailored toward me, but this isn’t you’re not asking people to go out and do an hour’s workout to get this thing, right? 

Brian Bradley

I’m asking them for uh, okay Tony Robbins and we’re working with him for 28/29 years. I’m going to be with him next week. We’re going to do an event speaking at his event, blah, blah, blah. But every morning he gets up, does three Egoscue exercises goes out and jumps in the cold plunge. Yeah, but he starts his day with the foundational movement of alignment. I couldn’t care if it’s 3.

Brett Gilliland 

He does this and this and this?

Brian Bradley

Well he does some other ones. You know, whatever I give them personally they’re made for him. But in general, I’m going to take 50,000 people next week through elbow curls, arm circles. And then I’m going to show you one here called the greatest abdominal exercise ever, just because I think your fans are gonna want to see you go through hell, so I think it’s good.

Brett Gilliland

Let’s do it, man. 

Brian Bradley 

Okay, so stand up for me again. And those of you, I’m telling you, you’re gonna want to try to do this. Tony Horton did the p90x stuff. And he and I were working on some stuff for his stuff. And we were talking one day and I’m like, Look, bro, I gotta steal this sprint thing that you’re doing. Because in my mind, I’m going, what a way to turn on the hip flexor. Now, meanwhile, you’re not gonna be doing anything for the hip. But in general, you’re doing everything for the hip and the abdominal wall. So get yourself in a sprint position, with one foot behind you one foot in front of you, the back foots up on the tall like this, like you’re gonna use that foot to push off, not too high. Like, literally you’re at a you’re at the start gate to get ready to go. Put your hands like this real stiff, and your elbow at 90 degrees. And the other one at 90 degrees. Notice how that hand wants to open up behind you like this at the elbow. Keep it bent at 90. Now very slowly just changed positions like this. Yep, keep going. So this, folks, that’s what you’re going to want to do. And when I say go, you ready Brett? 

Brett Gilliland  


Brian Bradley

I turned off my series. So hold on. Here we go. Timer. Ready? 

Brett Gilliland  


Brian Bradley 

Go slow. Faster, faster. And then full speed. Now go. I said full speed. Brett. Full speed. There we go faster. Brett. You’re racing that little nephew that you just can’t stand. Everybody has one. Come on. Let’s go. That’s 12 seconds. Brett. Keep going Brett.

Brett Gilliland  

Holy crap. I’m out of shape.

Brian Bradley 

Nine seconds left. You know what the best part about this is? We have to do the other side yet. Okay, take a break. Switch legs. You ready? You’re not out of shape. This is high intensity. But we’ve put your shoulders in a position of not being so rounded. So you’re out of shape in the new position but once you strengthen it it gets better, you ready? Backwards, set. Go. As fast as you can go. I’ll start the timer when you’re going full speed. Here we go. 17, 15, 10 Come on faster. Brett. 10. 3, 2, 1. Take a break. Now have a seat. Now just sit there for a second. Remember, you had a shoulder injury that was bothering you? How is it right now? 

Brett Gilliland  

No pain. 

Brian Bradley  

But yeah, we just killed it. But it’s because your spinal erectors down to your hip flexor, your glute all that’s now anchoring a better shoulder position. Which is why when we had Robin in the room, she could push you and you were like this. But when you sat up at the hip and locked it in with the erector and shoulder blade, you were like hitting a tree that’s well rooted during a hurricane. You’re not going anywhere. So the goal with everybody on here would be to create a hip driven athlete once again. And what I mean by athlete is everybody here has an athlete inside of them. 

Brett Gilliland  


Brian Bradley 

75 you’re an athlete. You’re just at your level. So I can’t stress enough go get the pain free book at Let me show you my Instagram and the other Instagram got by the way. Here’s the Egoscue up here at the top. That’s how you spell it E G O S C U E. I’ll show you this backpack one that I posted. This is about like wearing a backpack in the wrong place. So it’s under @theBrianBradley on Instagram and Facebook. There’s also @Egoscuemethod on Instagram and Facebook. I answer all my DMs personally so I expect to hear from everybody.

Brett Gilliland  

I love it.

Brian Bradley But look at that. That’s a girl that I caught at a Biohacking Conference talking about chronic pain, and her backpack is so low that it’s creating the forward hang of her head. So could we correct her backpack? Yes. But could we correct her frame that carries the backpack? That’s even more important.

Brett Gilliland  

Crazy. So real quick, how do we? What do you like about the sauna versus the infrared sauna?

Brian Bradley  

I liked, well, all studies are mainly for the Finnish saunas, you know, out of Finland and stuff like that the they’ve been doing it for so long, it’s the high heat has been studied to have different effects than the than the infrared, infrared goes to about 140. This, the one normally is 165 to 180. 

Brett Gilliland  

And you like that even more than just the infrared? I mean, I sat in an infrared one time my wife and I went to a spa in St. Louis. I mean, I felt like a different person when I came out of there. 

Brian Bradley  

Yeah, there listen there. I don’t think the studies are out high. I don’t think enough studies came out yet about the infrared saunas yet. I think that’s why like I’m going with the high heat, which will still add a more intense level give you the same effect. But the infrared might give you a better effect for a shorter amount of time or whatever. But I can tell you that that Marasco that I’m sitting in the Marasco Forge, cold plunge, and the bio charger here for PEMF and the NormaTec for my legs and all that stuff. I’m doing everything I can to keep a Ferrari on the racetrack and the Ferrari should have been retired a long time ago.

Brett Gilliland  

So you do those I see that golfers do those all time after a long day, right? They put them in the bag, they do whatever those things do. 

Brian Bradley 

They’re amazing. That’s an amazing you know what it’s like, I get a massage every day that I need it. It massages from the from the toes up to the hip. And you know, look I again to your listeners, if anybody’s interested and they say “I’d like to do some therapy with you”, get a hold of me. If you’re talking about “I want more questions about Coldwater immersion, which tubs should I get?” I know. “Which PMF device?” I know. “Should I get the NormaTec?” I know and I know the salespeople for all of them. 

Brett Gilliland  

Yeah, I need all those links. I have to holler at you on Instagram for that. I guess that thing to your right, what is that thing you keep talking about? 

Brian Bradley  

This is a pulse electromagnetic field creator. Sorry, I have another meeting coming up here at 2 o’clock. I have a post Instagram. It’s on there. It’s a, I posted this last night. If I can find it.

Brett Gilliland  

Okay, I saw that post. I’ll just look at that. 

Brian Bradley  

So you see that light bulb that I’m holding? Yep, that’s a free standing light bulb. It’s not plugged in. But the PMF field is creating energy through me hyper accelerating micelles that I’m lighting up the light bulb. And when you start worrying about when you start reading about PMF it’s it’s like plugging your iPhone into a supercharger. 

Brett Gilliland 

And you do that to your human body, human body. 

Brian Bradley 

So what I tell I told this to an NFL guy this morning, cuz he’s like, tell me about the cold plunge. Tell me about this that says I said, “you need to set aside $50,000 or you can die and leave that 50 grand to your kids.” And he starts laughing he’s like, “no, they’re getting enough.” I said “then become a little selfish. Put this in, put this in, put this in, put this in, put this in.” And I gave him five things to do. And he’s like, “I’m seriously thinking about turning a whole garage into that.” I said, “it’s better than you putting a squat rack in because what the hell do you need that for anymore? You’re not even playing anymore.”

Brett Gilliland  

So I buy one of those. What’s that bad boy cost me over there?

Brian Bradley  

$10 a day financed.

Brett Gilliland  

Okay, so not much. 

Brian Bradley  

I didn’t tell you how long financed. Yeah, that’s about $300 a month and you know, that’s about $16,000. The cold punches about $9000. The spa, the infrared or the regular Saunas are anywhere good ones, five to $9000 maybe $12,000. So I looked at all this stuff and I was like, I already have the Vanguard’s fund for my kid he can have the money from the house, okay, I get all that. But I want to spend some money on myself and I already want to be there with him when he’s enjoying it.

Brett Gilliland  

Yeah, cool. Listen, man, I know you’ve got another meeting. We could go on and on and on. This has been phenomenal. This is, I’ve never had to work so hard. You know, it’s felt great. You’ve cured my shoulder and I’m going to be contacting you after this to connect more by the book “Pain Free” at We’ll send people your way in the show notes man. Really appreciate your time. Brian it has been phenomenal having you. 

Brian Bradley 

When will you post this? 

Brett Gilliland  

Oh, it’ll be not this Monday coming up. But next Monday.

Brian Bradley

So the 19th Yeah. What if I created a URL with okay What’s your podcast called again? 

Brett Gilliland 

The Circuit of Success.

Brian Bradley 

You or slash success? What do you want? 

Brett Gilliland 


Brian Bradley  

Okay, so we’ll go slash success. And then I’ll put some things in there to give people some links to go look at some stuff and more information they can opt in so we’re not bothering them. We’ll just do that. 

Brett Gilliland 

Beautiful. You’re the man. Appreciate you. And again, we’ll put all this in the show notes. We’ll get that link from you. And you have an awesome day, man. 

Brian Bradley 

All right, brother. Enjoy. I’ll catch up to you later. 

Brett Gilliland 

All right. See ya. 

Brian Bradley  

See ya.


The post Brian Bradley Calls Himself “The Most Selfish Human on the Planet” (And It’s a Good Thing) appeared first on The Circuit of Success with Brett Gilliland.