Everyone has that little dream in the back of their mind – that thing they wish they could do someday. That thing where they say “If money was no option and I didn’t have to “work”, I would do X because it’s what I’m passionate about.” The empowering point is that it’s possible to do it and to make a career out of it. I’m just a normal person, but through hard work, self-belief, determination, moxie and grit, and a willingness to fail, I’ve been able to achieve extraordinary things. I’m an outdoor adventure athlete and American Pro Mountain Biker. I’ve raced my mountain bike across the world in 25+ countries at the hardest endurance races in places like the Sahara Desert, Himalayas of Nepal, tropical jungles in Asia, steppes of Mongolia, and mountain ranges in Poland. I even became a World Champion in 2015. My passion is taking on the hardest and/or longest races in the world because it’s enabled me to learn more about myself and life so that I can help others. My goal is to help people live better and feel more alive because at the end of the day, it’s what gives our lives meaning!

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